This being iced and snowed into our home is causing me to slowly unravel. It shines a bright light on all my weaknesses and failings. How I don't do well without little pockets of quiet time throughout my I despise serving three meals a day to three children- the never ending refilling and rewashing and guilty I feel that our generous neighbors welcome our children into their homes for entire afternoons and I'm tired of the noise and chaos after twenty minutes...
But one of my still-forming resolutions for the coming year is to spend more time in the middle. To stop saying "I always" and "you always" and say instead, "sometimes." Sometimes leaves room for the whole picture, which is the truth.
Sometimes I'm cranky with my kids and insist they finish their lunch, even when they're full, because I don't want them to come asking for food in another hour. Sometimes when they argue I pick a side and realize later that it was the wrong one and I hurt them both by trying to choose. Sometimes I get so tired of telling them to be quiet while the baby naps that I give in and let them play computer games all afternoon. Sometimes I stare at the laptop instead of playing scrabble.
But sometimes- sometimes I make chocolate chip cookies for them and sometimes I let them help. Sometimes I bear my testimony of eternal truth at family home evening. Sometimes I scratch their backs to help them fall asleep. Sometimes I let them feel the baby kick and tell them about when they were babies. Sometimes I hear them hurt each other with their words and I let it go and trust them to work it out. Sometimes I thank them for taking their dishes to the sink.
Sometimes I get it right, and someday I'll look back and be able to understand perfectly why I needed to have these weaknesses and these children. And someday the ice will melt and life will get back to normal. Please say it will.
Hooray for the 'sometimes' approach! Even more for the quiet pockets of time throughout the day - I am SO with you there. One snow day is a blast; two would be . . . .
Katie, a big big THANK YOU for this post. Just right, and just what I needed.
It will! It will!
loved your thoughts on this...spoke to my soul :) Hoping the ice will melt soon!!
Oh Katie, I love your writing. This too shall pass. P.S. I also hate serving three meals a day to two children and don't enjoy friends over :)
You are so wonderful! I love this. I especially love the image of you letting the boys feel the baby and telling them about when they were babies...
Sometimes. What a great approach. I'm far to quick to list out my enormous faults as a mother (daily, weekly, lifetime--I have all sorts of lists!) and have a hard time making a fair list of the good things...
And I agree with all of the things you said. I HAVE to have some quiet time! I used to not let Cindy Lynn talk to me for 2 hrs every afternoon!
This essay belongs in your book that collects these reflections on family, motherhood and life. Have you found a publisher yet? Get busy; number 4 will restrict your writing time more, and seeking a publisher will slip on your "To-Do List." Your confessions, reflections, and resolutions deserve widespread distribution for the real benefit of other aspiring parents --and for your kid's college funds!!!
Katie, I TOTALLY get that! I hope your snow and ice melt soon, your snow made our news, and the creative sleds that were being used where people didn't necessarily have them. You are pretty much amazing.
Yup, there.
Katie--all I know is that whenever I read your blog I think to myself, "I need more Katie!!"
Your writing is rhythmic and soothing and yet so raw. You are candid, but your thoughts are written so beautifully that I always find myself smiling. I am thankful for you and to you.
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