I sat on my friend's toilet tonight and cried and cried while she gave her son a bath. Tears rolled down and I could not stop them, didn't even try. I cried because the world can be a scary place, and sometimes your best friend might move to California and not be there for you to cry on her toilet while she gives her son a bath. All I can say is this: I really, really hope Heaven is a place where you never have to say goodbye to the people you love. Also that there are no mean dogs and no women with perfect thighs in Heaven. That would just ruin it for me.
After my good cry, I felt a little better and we drove home to find that the chicken who had gone A.W.O.L. this afternoon had returned to the garage. I fed sweet potatoes to Marley and snipped the dreadlocks that had formed behind the dog's ears because it's been so long since I've brushed him. Little Eric said a prayer and thanked Heavenly Father that the chicken could come home. I ate a pop tart. And now everyone's asleep and it's just me, the dog and Treasure Island waiting for me on my nightstand. And that was my day.
6 months ago
Guess you'll miss out on heaven then, miss Perfect Body. Glad to hear you ate a Pop Tart. Makes me feel better about the 2 rootbeer floats that somehow made it into my mouth tonight.
Oh Katie, I do so hear you! I fervently hope that heaven includes association with our loved ones (both family and "feels like family") to a degree that we feel really satisfied...
I think in heaven everyone who wanted perfect thighs could have them.
I must say, Katie, that I am getting kind of tired of blogs. They are starting to be either really boring, or really braggy, or make me feel guilty about something. There are very few that I actually enjoy reading. YOURS is probably the top of the list. This post is such a great example of why!!!
It's moving season out here too, and while I haven't physically cried, I have ached. And hugged other people crying about leaving. Isn't it nice that in such places as yours and mine we constantly can make new friends?
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