There are a hundred things I should be doing right now, like taking a shower and cleaning the kitchen up, but I had to get on and post some thoughts about President Hinckley.
We are, of course, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormons. Gordon B. Hinckley was our prophet, and he died last night at the age of 97. In the car on the way to preschool this morning, I turned around in my seat and told the boys that something sad had happened- that the prophet had died. Eric corrected me, saying, "It's not really sad though, because he's with Heavenly Father now, and his wife (who died several years ago)." But as I turned back around in my seat, I couldn't hold back the tears. I was thinking of a time when Eric and I were first married and he smiled and said to me, "I love the fact that President Hinckley is the only prophet you've ever known." In a few days that will no longer be true, and it feels like a huge milestone. I joined the Church a week after my eighteenth birthday- almost ten years ago now. The changes that have come over those years are overwhelming. When I first encountered the missionaries at sixteen, I was confused about life. I had wonderful parents who loved me, but didn't love each other, and hadn't for as long as I could remember. I knew I had a great mind and the support of my family to be whatever I wanted in life, but my hopes for a strong marriage and a close family were not high. I can remember the missionaries telling me that God knew my heart and my deepest desires. I thought about what those might be, and concluded that the thing I wanted most in the world was a wonderful husband who would be my best friend. I never dreamed that He would drop one in my lap when I was only nineteen. And not too long after that our two precious boys arrived, almost before I knew how much I wanted them. I still know that I can be anything I want to be in this life, but the thing I choose to be is a wife and a mother. It turns out that having a loving, eternal family is very, very hard work, but it is possible. It's the toughest challenge I've ever taken on, but with the help of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the example and teachings of President Hinckley, I truly feel like each day I learn and grow and get a little closer to the incredible woman that God knows I have the potential to be.
I know, of course, that President Hinckley, at 97, was ready to go, and that he's in a wonderful place. But I can't help but be sad when I think that his life on this earth has ended. It feels like the bookend to an important part of my own life.