Eric and I are sneaking away tomorrow afternoon for a quick trip to South Carolina. Eric is giving his Boston dreams another shot in the Kiawah Island marathon. I have high hopes- the course is said to be flat and "easy" and perfect temps are in the forecast (kind of important when you're not wearing shoes).
I've written a multi-page email to Leslie and Greg who will be staying with the kids, cleaned the floors, pre-made dinners, washed the sheets and all the running clothes.
I feel like I've run a marathon already...
6 months ago
Oh my gosh--getting ready to go away really IS a marathon! But have fun, and I hope everyone is *nice*!!!
And Go, Eric, Go!!
Best of luck, and congrats on getting away! Now you can relax. It's worth the preparation for the peace of mind, right?
Wishing Eric great speed! Have a wonderful trip...can't wait to hear about it.
Ohhh good luck!! My dad did the Boston, and he wore shoes, Eric can totally qualify!
Oooh, I'm sending you fast thoughts! Enjoy the get-away, and I'm keeping all my digits crossed! (should be interesting to see, maybe I'll have to uncross one or two here and there ;)
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