A heartfelt bathrobe
26.2 in 32.0
“He’s fine, Katie…he’s with his Dad!”
I nodded from the backseat, on my way to the fabric store with two friends, my first outing away from my newborn son. I felt silly for worrying about my baby when I’d left him with his own father. So along with the panic and the guilt, there was vindication when I heard my name being called over the store intercom a half an hour later. I could already hear the tiny screams as I reached across the cutting counter for the phone.
I felt like a paramedic arriving on the scene when I walked through the door. Stand back please…I’ll take it from here. His face was red and sweaty from crying, his arms and legs moved frantically. I could feel him melt with relief as I nursed him, the sounds of sucking interrupted periodically by post-crying hiccups.
Years later now, when I ask for a hug goodnight he holds his body rigid and breaks away quickly. Shaggy bangs cover the eyes that used to gaze so unflinchingly into mine while he nursed. But we play a game sometimes. I lock my arms around him and ask for the password as he laughs and squirms. With each wrong guess I tighten my grip and he laughs harder. Tonight I drag the game out… “Not that one…wrong…nope, try again!” Concern flickers in his brother’s eyes. “I think that’s too tight Mama.”
“No,” he says through his giggles, “Tighter...tighter.”
In my kitchen RIGHT NOW...
Survival of the merriest
Before recapping our weekend, may I just say that it's taking every ounce of willpower I have not to cut this child's hair in his sleep...
You can just see how proud she is to be with the two big girls.
The baby doll shopping went very well, if you consider coming home with two dolls instead of one a success, which Eric did not. I couldn't decide between one that was a baby, and would simultaneously suck and blink when you put a bottle in its mouth, and another doll that was more of a girl, with long brown hair and long eyelashes. I knew that the girl doll was too big (practically the size of Marley) and too heavy for her to carry around, but I wanted that doll. Anyway, I realized that I could just get the bald baby for Christmas and wait and buy the hair-doll next year or for her birthday, but then I worried- what if the doll company that makes it goes out of business before then? You never know in this economy! So I bought them both. And I even made it back to the school to pick up the kids and then to Eric's concert FIFTEEN whole minutes early. What's happening to me??
My early Christmas present...
All week I've been walking around with a general air of excitement without really knowing why. I tried to guess- is it the Pitchfork's Christmas concert this Friday, in which I get to see my cute husband sing while wearing a tux? Nope- love the Pitchforks, and my cute husband, but this event- several hundred people packed into Duke's Gothic reading room- not a single one of them with a small child on his or her lap, let alone THREE, is always more stressful than it is fun. Last year Brigham fell asleep in his chair next to an elderly woman in a fur coat and peed himself in such quantity that I, sitting two seats away, had to stop breathing through my nose for the rest of the concert.