
Missing you today

We're here.  And things are working out great so far.  The house (that we bought without ever seeing it in person), the neighborhood, the school, the University- I can already see how I'll one day come to love all those things, and never want to leave them.

But right now, today, the exhaustion of the last three weeks has hit me full force.  Marley was holding her picture of Graham and listening to her vacation bible school CD on repeat while I was drying my hair and I had to just stop and cry for a few minutes.  I sent a quick email to Tracy- nothing earth shattering- just to say I miss you a lot right now.  After I hit send, I saw her simultaneously sent email with the words "I'm really missing you today".  That's when the tears really started flowing, because despite how great and wonderful everything is, this hurts- a lot.

I miss my doorbell ringing 30 times a day with friends and neighborhood kids coming in and out.  I miss big leafy trees and properly green grass.  I miss the sound of the cars drowning out the music on my ipod as I run along Ponce.  I miss having a mailbox.

I miss Amy coming over with some treasure for Marley.  I miss Donna's updates on her (much more interesting than mine) personal life.  I miss Sara sitting on my living room floor feeding Austin and talking about our families.  I miss Tracy helping me and somehow managing to make me feel like I was doing her a favor.  And it cracks my heart in two when Marley tells me to save a cookie for Graham.

I miss Kaitlyn and Savannah and Mason and Carter and Zach and Eli and John and baby Austin and Paloma and Giri and Hank and Noah and Manfeild.

I miss Farm Burger and Flying Biscuit and Zyka.

I miss Fernbank and morning carpool traffic and walking to the school to eat lunch with my kids.  I miss the screams and laughs from the playground floating through my open windows in the afternoon.

It will be okay.

It really will.

I know that.

But still, I'm really missing you today.


E B said...

Not to be flippant when there are so many emotions at the moment with all you've seen and felt, but you're so lucky your kids sleep in the car!

Cindy said...

goodness, you make me cry. (Not that that was a long trip!) And I'm glad you got to see the Birno's, since we bailed on them. Did Cami really carry BOTH babies around???

Lindsay said...

I'm so glad you have so much to love in Atlanta. And how great that you're already starting to see good things in California.

Miss you -

Kris said...

I get it, Katie. It's surprising how slowly the sadness (homesickness?) fades, even when there are other good things and rationally, you know it wasn't perfect and you really can't go back. I choose to think of it not just as a special place, but a special time that was so sweet for our family. Maybe I'll look back on here and now one day with the same feelings.

DNCBulldawg said...



sibi said...

Good narration! Life is indeed a blessing with many dear persons around. We know their value, when we miss them. Good article. Keep blogging!