

The long awaited summer has begun.  Sometime soon I'll back up and write about all the milestones that have been piling up...birthdays, travels, graduations, concerts, parties, goodbyes.  For tonight though, this is where we are:

Across the street from our house is a science center with a huge telescope.  During dinner tonight we noticed lots of traffic and dispatched a child to investigate.  He came back with news of some kind of planetary event and a pair of solar glasses.

While we stood on the street corner and took turns staring at the black dot of Venus moving across the sun, I thought about our short time left in Atlanta.  Two months.  Time enough to say goodbye to the people and places that have shaped us for the last two years.  To think about the ways we've changed since we arrived in this neighborhood that hot August evening that seems like a lifetime ago.  Back before Marley's hair was long enough to french braid.  Back when the boys outnumbered the girls.  Back when the future was still a murky question mark.

Lots of things have changed since then, and my hope for this summer is that we each have time and space to assimilate those changes and fully inhabit the people we've become, so that we can go forward into our new lives with confidence and strength and optimism.

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